疫情期间外国人在中国受歧视?平等≠超国民待遇 (Are foreigners discriminated against in China during the pandemic? Equality ≠ superior treatment)

Publication date:

April 7, 2020


阿胜说历史 (online username)


This article is written by a netizen commenting on the treatment of foreigners in China during the pandemic. The author disagrees with the fact that foreigners are being discriminated against. It mentions the range of services that volunteers in Qingdao have helped to provide foreigners in isolation, including shopping for food and daily necessities. “If we don’t provide them with this superior treatment, then we are discriminating against them.” The author goes on to argue that “equality does not not equal superior treatment to locals.” The article includes a picture of a brutalized female claiming that she was attacked by a foreigner.


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