关于广州三非黑人问题 (On the issue of “San Fei” Black people in Guangzhou)

Publication date:

February 23, 2021




This post on Zhihu discusses the growing presence of black people in Guangzhou and what that means to Chinese society. It explains that China is going through a period of rapid economic development and the aging of population in China, encouraging policymakers to import a large amount of labour from Africa. The article estimates that by the year 2030, the number of undocumented black people in China will reach 15 million and before 2050, that number will at least have reached 50 million, including black-yellow-mixed babies. Overall, the article refers to nationalistic slogans such as “being the descendants of the dragon” to reinforce its point that China belongs to Chinese people and should not allow “foreign trash” to stay there.



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