The Sino-African Migration Alternative Data hub was created to capture data on China’s evolving approach towards immigration, migrant status, and African migrations. The hub gathers entries from a wide range of sources, including Chinese social media platforms, traditional media, government declarations and publications, and innovative academic analysis about Sino-African migrations as they develop.
The temporal scope of the data is primarily focused on 2019 and onwards to focus on the most recent developments occurring in migration law and policy, and particularly to capture pandemic changes and realities.
The topical scope of the data gathered focuses on migration and related themes including health, entrepreneurship, education, culture, law, media, the city and housing.
The categorial scope of the data sources are: Social Media, Traditional Media, Government publications or declarations, Academic Publications, and Law and Policy Updates
The sub-categorical scope of the data are social media (Weixin, Zhihu, Weibo, Sohu, Wangyi, Baidu); traditional media (Print, Online OpEds, Videos, Podcasts); government publications (Online, Speeches and Consultation Papers); academic publications (Journals, Books, Book Chapters, Book Reviews, Policy Briefs and Newsletters), and Official Laws, Policies and Regulations.
Where sources are in Chinese, an abstract in English is provided.
Data is searchable by the resource type, resource subcategories, themes and publication date selected from the dropdown filters. Each entry comprises of the author, date of publication, a brief description and links to the source documents or webpages. This is an ongoing project, and we anticipate that the number of data items will continue to increase over time. We welcome suggestions for resources to include. The descriptions are only a simplified summary to give users a quick introduction to the actual resource.
To find a specific resource, select one of the search options from the dropdown menus or the search tool below. For best results, we recommend you select one criterion at a time.
About CERC Migration
The Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration is the first ever CERC awarded to Ryerson University, building on the university’s strengths and commitments in the area of immigration and settlement studies. The CERC in Migration and Integration is led by Professor Anna Triandafyllidou. The program is producing innovative and usable knowledge on the links between migration and post-migration processes, forced and voluntary mobility, internal and international migration, and the role of countries of origin and transit. The CERC Migration pays special attention to Canadian realities while also engaging in comparative research with and among other countries in various global regions.
The Sino-African Alternative Data Hub is led by Oreva Olakpe and supported by the research assistance and translation from Aia Bakir.
Sino-African studies is a focus for CERC Migration. The following are links to articles and webinars that provide an introduction to our work:
How will the pandemic shift migration between China and Africa?
Migration Working Group: Emerging dimensions of Sino-African migrations
Undocumented Migrant Communities in Cities: Negotiating Legal and Legitimate Status from Below
GUANGZHOU EXPRESS: Alternative approaches to undocumented status