三非黑人,财富密码 (“San Fei” Africans; a cheat sheet)

Publication date:

October 27, 2021


Mr. Zhi (Online username)


This article summarizes the reasons why Guangzhou is referred to as “black-skinned Jerusalem”, including the 1997 Asian financial crisis, which provided the opportunity for the Chinese manufacturing industry to stand out, and thus it began to attract African businessmen to China. The article also explores the ways in which many Africans got to Guangzhou, without a valid passport or business visa and their business pathways. It also explores the factors that contributed to worsening the misunderstanding between Africans doing business and Chinese vendors, such as language barriers causing miscommunication between the two parties. It further explains the ‘practical problems’ that made Chinese public opinion unfriendly towards Africans, such as cultural differences. It also draws attention to negative perceptions of Africans demonstrating in the streets, beating law enforcement officers, being involved in drug distribution, etc, and how all this led to the Chinese public losing tolerance towards Africans. Moreover, this article teaches Chinese locals ways to identify “illegal” Africans and report them for rewards from the government.



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