2020China denies discrimination against Africans in recent wave of COVID-19 casesWebmasterJune 16, 2022
2020美国炒作“非洲人在中国遭歧视”,事实真相如何?(The United States hypes that “Africans are discriminated against in China”. What is the truth?)WebmasterJune 16, 2022
2020疫情下的在华外国人:亲友勿念 一切安好 (Foreigners in China during the Pandemic: We don’t miss our friends and family, all is well.)WebmasterJune 16, 2022
2020中国境内的外国人有多少?移民中国的老外,该属于哪个民族 (How many foreigners are in China? Which ethnic group should foreigners who immigrate to China belong to?)WebmasterJune 16, 2022
2020日本比中国还发达,为何黑人不愿意去?看看他们对黑人态度就懂了(Japan is more developed than China, why do black people not want to go there?Look at their attitude towards black people and you will understand why)WebmasterJune 16, 2022
2020在华外国人:现在,我感觉在中国比在其他地方都安全 (Foreigners in China: Right now I feel safer in China than elsewhere)WebmasterJune 16, 2022